Thursday, December 5, 2019

Are The Majority of Christians Rude On Social Media?

Christians, Let’s All Stop Doing These 15 Things on Social Media

According to this article, that appears to be a problem that is larger than we think. God told me a few years ago to (in addition to door to door outreach, nursing home ministry, hospital visitation, community work, etc.) that there was a need to "evangelize social media." This is because social media has become almost the gossip column for the saints. It saddens me that so many non believers see how Christians conduct themselves and respond, "if this is what Christianity is about, I want no parts of it."

What's even more grievous is that many Christians do not seem to care. I have been able to dialogue with atheists, agnostics and those of other religions since I have been teaching the Word on social media. Most have been respectful. Most Christians have been respectful. But, there is a minority of "Christians" I have ran into that appear to be some of the evilest creatures that God ever put breath in. What is your opinion:

Is this article about the 15 things spot on?

Have you experienced the "rudeness of the saints" on social media? How did you handle it?

Do you think I'm judging by calling rude Christians "evil creatures"?

What can we do further to evangelize on social media?


  1. Bishop Hankerson I think you are right on target, because many people feel they can hide on social media not being face to face they are bolder in their opinions. And think their pastors may never see it. However, as we all know many hide behind the name of God , but really don't know God, and the real person comes out as soon as you touch on something that exposes them. And thirdly I too feel a strong sense to evangelize through social media, since it is the new way of communication. There are some discussions I will not touch because I discern their agenda, where as in others once I give scripture to back up my point the unlearned are grateful and the ignorant are silenced. I regularly make apologies to those who have been negatively impacted by persons identifying themselves as Christians, and look for opportunities to minister to the hurting. One comment I received last year really motivated me to keep doing the work on facebook and I quote. " As one who is against any form of organized religion and identify myself as agnostic, you have deeply eroded my feelings of hostility toward christianity and I greatly respect the remarks you have made." That spoke volumes to me and the Holy Spirit let me know social media ministry is needed. So inspite of the rock throwers, negative comments, jealous opinions and unsolicited advice. What the Lord whispers in my ear I will shout from the rooftops and even on social media, I will not let up, give up, back up or shut up. I will speak the Word of God in season and out of season. I recently wrote a post Spirit guided of course on Christian's and cannibas and backed it with scripture and was told to be silent. I operate in Holy boldness and my boldness has caused people to label me as arrogant and self righteous. I am confident and speak the truth in love and confess my personal faults on social media in episodes I title back to the mirror. So yes to all of your questions and I stand in agreement with you.������������

    1. Wonderful comment. May God continue to bless and favor your work of evangelize.
