Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Church Planting Part 1


1.               Names are important. Your church name should reflect your mission, goals and direction of your ministry. Do not name it “World Outreach Center” and you have no intention of reaching the world.

2.               Do not complain if a denomination or organization does not finance the start of your ministry. There usually is a “catch.” If someone pays for everything, then they normally expect total loyalty and control. This can be a challenge as your ministry grows. You do not want it held over your head, “they wouldn’t have anything if it wasn’t for us.” God gave you the ministry, trust him and get advice on how to set up a financial plan to support the ministry.

3.               Do not be afraid to get a job. It does not mean that you lack faith. It means that you also have common sense. Living by faith may work for you, but, if you have a family, you need a job, with benefits and retirement.

4.               Do not start off complaining how hard it is to pastor. That sends a very bad signal to your members; it makes them feel bad. You are the one that accepted the call to pastor. No one put a gun up to your head and made you do it. Now, you must deal with, “the good the bad and the ugly.”

5.               Try not to use the words, “my church.” There are other people sacrificing along with you. If you want them to have ownership of your vision, then you must use inclusive words like, “we”, “us,” and “our.” Value the input of your members.

6.               Don’t ever say, “If you don’t like how I run it, then there is the door.” Trust me, people will leave when they get ready.

7.               New churches draw “church hoppers.” You are just the latest “hot thing” in town.” Do not build your ministry on “church hoppers.” When the next hottest thing comes along, or they get bored, they will leave you.

8.               Do not get mad at other churches for not supporting you. You are the one that God called to start the church. Your church is not their responsibility. They have their own ministry and obligations to fulfill. Build your ministry, so that you can be a self-supporting church; where you can fellowship with other churches out of comradery and not obligation.

9.               If you just started and have a handful of members, you are going to wear your members out with multiple services on Sunday and multiple events during the week. Start off small and as you grow, you can expand your schedule.

10.            Do not build your ministry on “shouting” and excitement. Build it on the Word. You and your members will get old and get arthritis and all kinds of other ailments that come along with age. At that time, you may not be able to do all of that “shouting.”

11.            Do not just cater to the “now” generation. First, the “now” generation will eventually become the “has been” generation; just like all generations. Second, us middle age and older people have something to offer as well. We will tithe, volunteer, cooperate and stay with you for many years, because that’s how we were trained by the older generations.


To be continued….



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